Health Data Epidemiology Group
The Health Data Epidemiology Group (HDEG), led by Professor Eva Morris, seeks to maximise the use of routine NHS electronic healthcare record data for translational research. The Group’s linked data assets, including national and regional hospitalisation records which run from 50 years ago to the present day, national mortality (civil registration) records, cancer registry data, and primary care records, provide extensive research opportunities to assess incidence, prevalence, treatment pathways, demographic/geographic variation, complications and survival outcomes, in relation to a very wide range of diseases. Methodological approaches developed for these datasets complement those required for other datasets within Oxford Population Health that also link to hospitalisation and other routine clinical data (e.g. Million Women Study, UK Biobank, and the large clinical trials), providing efficient means for testing specific hypotheses in more depth.
The UK Colorectal Cancer Intelligence Hub and the CORECT-R data resource
The HDEG has an extensive portfolio of work that seeks to generate evidence to help improve the diagnosis, management and outcome of cancer (with a specific focus on colorectal cancer). More information about the work is available at
Clinical Practice Research Datalink
The HDEG helps facilitate access for researchers within Oxford Population Health to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). This is a dataset that captures data from a UK-wide network of primary care practices and holds information on over 60 million patients with over 20 years follow-up. More information about the resource and how to access it is available at
Hospital Episode Statistics and national mortality dataset
The HDEG holds and uses a dataset comprising over half a billion anonymised hospitalisation records linked to multiple-cause coded mortality covering the entire population of England. This resource is used to trace the health of population subgroups and follow de-identified individuals over time. This bestows capabilities in both population-based epidemiology and health services research.
Oxford Record Linkage Study
The Oxford Record Linkage Study commenced in 1963 and covers a regional population of approximately 4 million people. This dataset comprises approximately 20 million hospitalisation records and a million deaths, is linked throughout its history, and includes the longest run in England of multiple-cause-coded mortality data, starting in 1979. It is one of the longest runs of fully linked hospitalisation and death record data in the world.
The HDEG is part of Oxford Population Health and is supported by Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Office for Health Improvements and Disparities, Cancer Research UK, Bowel Cancer UK, National Institute for Health Research and Health Data Research UK.