EPSRC CDT in HealthCARE DATA Science (2024 -)
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Healthcare Data Science is located within the Big Data Institute (BDI). It plays a leading role in training the next generation of health data scientists. Further information.
DPHIL vacancies for admission in october 2025
The DPhil projects available at the Big Data Institute are currently administered by either Oxford Population Health (formally known as the Nuffield Department of Population Health) or the Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM).
For more information on 2025 DPhil projects, please contact individual researchers within the BDI and/or the associated departments.
EPSRC CDT in Health DATA Science (2018-23)
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Health Data Science is located within the Big Data Institute (BDI). It plays a leading role in training the next generation of health data scientists. Further information.
Graduate student opportunities at the BDI
The Oxford Big Data Institute (BDI) aims to become a leading, international hub for biomedical data science and analysis and a strong, cutting edge graduate programme is a core, intrinsic part of making the Institute a success. Our programme is designed to attract the keenest scientific minds from all over the world. It represents an excellent opportunity and path for motivated, curious and talented individuals to pursue their academic goals.
There are a number of ways you can obtain a DPhil degree in Biomedical Data Science through studying with us:
- You can apply through the formal routes of any of our associated departments and institutes (NDM, Population Health, IBME, Statistics, NDOG, Computer Science) by checking that the supervisors you choose have a BDI affiliation. As with all applications you will apply through the Oxford central graduate admissions.
- Alternatively, you can reach out to principal investigators at the BDI and informally inquire whether they have any DPhil places available outside the annual departmental application routes (usually through grant funding).
At present, the BDI is hosting ~30 DPhil students from a range of disciplines at various stages of their programmes. The students are a core component of BDI’s diversity, both adding to our international atmosphere and representing our diversity in educational backgrounds and areas of expertise.