Shiny - Interactive Apps with R
Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 9.30am to 12.30pm
This event is for staff and students at the Oxford Big Data Institute.
During this course we will learn how to create a simple shiny app, we will explore the possibilities that creating interactive reports give us and see how to use the available templates and customize them. We will take advantage of solutions allowing to set up simple but impressive app with no effort and build one from the ground up to understand the most important concepts. We will learn how to add interactive shiny elements to R Markdowns and Notebooks.
Format Workshop
What You Will Need
Everyone should bring their own laptops with the prerequisites installed according to the course information.
Software Required
R (>= 4.0)RStudiopackages: shiny, shinydashboard, shinythemes , tidyverse, ggsci, patchwork, knitr, rmarkdown, ggplot2movies, learnr, plotly
Create shiny apps
Create interactive visual reports
Learn about available shiny templates
Gain confidence to further explore shiny
Some knowledge of R
Where next?
The materials for the course will be shared on GitHub ( minimum a week before the course. It will include a demo lesson that will allow the participant to check for installed packages. Scripts to check for required packages and install the missing ones will be given in advance of the session (at least a week before):
To register, please visit: