Infections@BDI Seminar: Progress in initiating a low-cost learning health system, 200,000 hospital events and counting for the Kenyan hospital Clinical Information Network
Professor Mike English, Nuffield Department of Medicine
Monday, 10 February 2020, 12pm to 1pm
Seminar room 0, Big Data Institute, Old Road Campus, OX3 7LF
The Kenyan hospital Clinical Information Network (CIN) was initiated in 2013 and included 14 hospitals by early 2014. It promoted the generation of high quality routine data using co-designed, structured paper medical records and data capture at discharge on all paediatric ward admissions. To date over 150,000 paediatric admission episodes have been captured in the database and the data used for local improvement, large scale observational studies and a cluster RCT. The platform currently supports malaria vaccine surveillance, a 10-site RCT and continues its improvement and service evaluation work. In 2018 the CIN had grown to include 19 hospitals and a neonatal ward system was established capturing data on 20,000 annual admissions. The neonatal CIN is supporting similar improvement efforts and large scale evaluations of technology introduction and health systems research.