Infections@BDI Seminar - Improving the No Show Rates of HIV-positive Patients and the Role of Telemedicine: Insights Using Mathematical Models
Ami Rao, University of Augusta
Friday, 20 September 2019, 12pm to 1pm
Seminar room 0, BDI, Old Road Campus, OX3 7LF
The ongoing study that we are completing in summer 2019 is based on one-year HIV telemedicine clinic data (2017-2018) and three years of HIV ‘no show’ data (2016-2018) collected from Augusta University Ryan White HIV Clinic, Augusta, GA and the Ryan White telemedicine center located in Dublin, Georgia, USA. We have predicted ‘no show’ probabilities by determining socio-demographic factors using Bayes approximations. In addition, the impact of ‘the telemedicine clinic’ was evaluated through deep learning. Arrival rates of patients to the clinics improved over the time period studied and the proportion of patients who are undetectable (viral suppression) both at the telemedicine clinic site and the (FTF) HIV clinic in Augusta are comparable. This is a non-technical talk. The members of the team are listed in the talk.