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Prof Antoniya Georgieva holds a PhD in AI and is a world-leading researcher in large-scale maternity data, data-driven continuous fetal monitoring and fetal risk assessment. She is currently leading on three relevant grants (NIHR, EPSRC, Wellcome LEAP). She is the lead of Oxford Labour Monitoring group ( which is committed to developing technologies to help clinicians prevent harm to babies during childbirth. 

She has obtained a BSc(Hons) in Applied Mathematics from the Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria) and a PhD in Computer Science from Portsmouth University. She joined the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (now Women's and reproductive health) and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Oxford for a post-doctoral position in 2007. In 2016, she was awarded a NIHR Career Development Fellowship to grow her independent research group in the multidisciplinary field of developing new technologies for continuous fetal risk assessment. In the same year, she became a Research Fellow at Wolfson College and also joined the newly formed Big Data Institute at Oxford.  

At Wolfson College, she leads the Cross-disciplinary Machine Learning (XML) Cluster which brings together researchers across different disciplines to share and learn about the impact of machine learning in their respective fields.