Big Data Ethics Forum
Professor Martin Landray, Nuffield Department of Population Health & Professor Clare Mackay, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 3.30pm to 4.30pm
The Big Data Ethics Forum (BDE Forum) is an innovative approach to the identification of ethical issues in the day-to-day practice of big data research. The BDE Forum provides a regular opportunity for scientists working in the BDI to discuss practical ethical problems arising in the development and conduct of their research and an opportunity for the sharing of models of good practice.
Clare Mackay, Professor of Imaging Neuroscince, Department of Psychiatry:
Plans and challenges for creating an open science community in the new Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging
Martin Landray, Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine, Nuffield Department of Population Health; Deputy Director, BDI:
Maximising opportunities for participation in clinical trials