BDI Seminar: Public health data science to investigate and improve migrant health
Dr Rob Aldridge, University College London
Tuesday, 11 September 2018, 2pm to 3pm
Seminar Room 0, Big Data Institute, University of Oxford Old Road Campus, OX3 7FZ
Migration is a defining political challenge of our time and a global health priority. And yet internationally there is a lack of epidemiological data on migrant health including estimates of morbidity, mortality and risk factors for disease. In this talk, Rob will describe three studies he currently conducting that aim to generate new evidence that will improve the health of migrants. The first is a recently completed systematic review and meta-analysis of mortality data in international migrants. The second is the Million migrant study - an electronic cohort that will establish national rates of age-specific morbidity and risk factors for disease in migrants to the UK. The third is a migrant eCohort that will be created using a mobile health app to generate data allowing examination of how risk factors for disease in migrants change after arriving in the UK.
Rob Aldridge is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Career Development Fellow at the Institute of Health Informatics, University College London (UCL). He qualified in medicine from UCL in 2007, gained an MSc in Epidemiology at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2010 and completed his PhD at UCL in 2015. Prior to studying medicine, he studied Mechanical Engineering at The University of Nottingham and worked in management consultancy for several years.