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Conformal Bayesian Computation

Conference paper

Fong E. and Holmes C., (2021), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 22, 18268 - 18279

Deep Generative Missingness Pattern-Set Mixture Models

Conference paper

Ghalebikesabi S. et al, (2021), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 130, 3727 - 3735

Foundations of Bayesian Learning from Synthetic Data

Conference paper

Wilde H. et al, (2021), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 130, 541 - 549

Learning Bijective Feature Maps for Linear ICA

Conference paper

Camuto A. et al, (2021), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 130, 3655 - 3663

Multi-Facet Clustering Variational Autoencoders

Conference paper

Falck F. et al, (2021), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 11, 8676 - 8690

Neural Ensemble Search for Uncertainty Estimation and Dataset Shift

Conference paper

Zaidi S. et al, (2021), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 10, 7898 - 7911

On Locality of Local Explanation Models

Conference paper

Ghalebikesabi S. et al, (2021), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 22, 18395 - 18407

Semi-Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Classifying using Ultra-Sparse Labels

Conference paper

Willetts M. et al, (2020), Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2020, 5286 - 5295

Epidemiological changes on the Isle of Wight after the launch of the NHS Test and Trace programme: a preliminary analysis.

Journal article

Kendall M. et al, (2020), The Lancet. Digital health, 2, e658 - e666

Correction to: Graphing and reporting heterogeneous treatment effects through reference classes.

Journal article

Watson JA. and Holmes CC., (2020), Trials, 21

Guidelines for clinical trial protocols for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the SPIRIT-AI extension.

Journal article

Cruz Rivera S. et al, (2020), The Lancet. Digital health, 2, e549 - e560

Guidelines for clinical trial protocols for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the SPIRIT-AI extension.

Journal article

Cruz Rivera S. et al, (2020), Nature medicine, 26, 1351 - 1363

NRF2 metagene signature is a novel prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer.

Journal article

O'Cathail SM. et al, (2020), Cancer genetics, 248-249, 1 - 10

Machine learning improves mortality risk prediction after cardiac surgery: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal article

Benedetto U. et al, (2020), The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

The impact of age on genetic risk for common diseases

Journal article

Jiang X. et al, (2020)

On the marginal likelihood and cross-validation

Journal article

Fong E. and Holmes CC., (2020), Biometrika, 107, 489 - 496

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