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Computerized data-driven interpretation of the intrapartum cardiotocogram: a cohort study.

Journal article

Georgieva A. et al, (2017), Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, 96, 883 - 891

Fine-mapping inflammatory bowel disease loci to single-variant resolution.

Journal article

Huang H. et al, (2017), Nature, 547, 173 - 178

Hand classification of fMRI ICA noise components.

Journal article

Griffanti L. et al, (2017), NeuroImage, 154, 188 - 205

International risk of yellow fever spread from the ongoing outbreak in Brazil, December 2016 to May 2017.

Journal article

Dorigatti I. et al, (2017), Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 22

Likelihood-based artefact detection in continuously-acquired patient vital signs.

Conference paper

Colopy GW. et al, (2017), Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2017, 2146 - 2149

Tradeoffs in pushing the spatial resolution of fMRI for the 7T Human Connectome Project.

Journal article

T Vu A. et al, (2017), NeuroImage, 154, 23 - 32

Variance decomposition for single-subject task-based fMRI activity estimates across many sessions.

Journal article

Gonzalez-Castillo J. et al, (2017), NeuroImage, 154, 206 - 218

WGS to predict antibiotic MICs for Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Journal article

Eyre DW. et al, (2017), The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72, 1937 - 1947

Whole exome sequencing and DNA methylation analysis in a clinical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cohort.

Journal article

Garton FC. et al, (2017), Molecular genetics & genomic medicine, 5, 418 - 428

Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals the Contribution of Long-Term Carriers in Staphylococcus aureus Outbreak Investigation.

Journal article

Gordon NC. et al, (2017), Journal of clinical microbiology, 55, 2188 - 2197

Non-Contact Monitoring of Respiration in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Conference paper

Jorge J. et al, (2017), Proceedings - 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Shot Learning for Gesture Understanding and Production, ASL4GUP 2017, Biometrics in the Wild, Bwild 2017, Heterogeneous Face Recognition, HFR 2017, Joint Challenge on Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition Using Micro Emotion Features and Head-Pose Estimation, DCER and HPE 2017 and 3rd Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, FERA 2017, 286 - 293

Genetic loci associated with heart rate variability and their effects on cardiac disease risk.

Journal article

Nolte IM. et al, (2017), Nature communications, 8

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