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Mapping the global endemicity and clinical burden of Plasmodium vivax, 2000-17: a spatial and temporal modelling study.

Journal article

Battle KE. et al, (2019), Lancet (London, England), 394, 332 - 343

malariaAtlas: an R interface to global malariometric data hosted by the Malaria Atlas Project.

Journal article

Pfeffer DA. et al, (2018), Malaria journal, 17

Modelling spatial heteroskedasticity by volatility modulated moving averages

Journal article

Nguyen M. and Veraart AED., (2017), Spatial Statistics, 20, 148 - 190

Spatio-temporal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes: Theory, Simulation and Statistical Inference

Journal article

Nguyen M. and Veraart AED., (2016), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44, 46 - 80