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Predicting individual patient and hospital-level discharge using machine learning.

Journal article

Wei J. et al, (2024), Communications medicine, 4

Predicting future hospital antimicrobial resistance prevalence using machine learning.

Journal article

Vihta K-D. et al, (2024), Communications medicine, 4

Expanding the use of mathematical modeling in healthcare epidemiology and infection prevention and control.

Journal article

Grant R. et al, (2024), Infection control and hospital epidemiology, 1 - 6

'Bloodstream infection': A valuable concept we should keep in our toolbox.

Journal article

Danielsen AS. et al, (2024), The Journal of infection, 89

Detecting changes in population trends in infection surveillance using community SARS-CoV-2 prevalence as an exemplar.

Journal article

Pritchard E. et al, (2024), American journal of epidemiology

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