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© 2017 IEEE. Smartphone-based remote monitoring is a potential solution for providing long-term, objective assessment of gait and mobility in patients with Parkinsons disease (PD). In the Multiple Ascending Dose study of PRX002/RG7935, forty-four mild to moderate PD patients from cohorts 4 to 6 were included in a smartphone-based assessment for up to 24 weeks, while in a separate control study, thirty-five age-and gender-matched healthy individuals performed the same assessment up to 6 weeks. In total, over 30,000 hours of sensor data from subjects' daily activities were collected. A convolutional recurrent neural network was used for human activity recognition and extracted gait-related activities, followed by a mobility analysis on extracted mobility features during ambulatory bouts and turns. The analysis revealed that PD patients showed significantly lower mobility in terms of average ambulatory bout length - length of time of one continuous ambulatory segment, average per-step power, turn speed, and number of turns per ambulatory minute. In addition, bout-length stratified analysis shows the between-group difference of multiple features is associated with bout lengths. These study results support the potential use of smartphones for long-term mobility monitoring in future clinical practice, and also shed lights on previously inaccessible relationships between bout length and gait features under free-living condition.

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166 - 169