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Single-cell RNA-seq data allows insight into normal cellular function and various disease states through molecular characterization of gene expression on the single cell level. Dimensionality reduction of such high-dimensional data sets is essential for visualization and analysis, but single-cell RNA-seq data are challenging for classical dimensionality-reduction methods because of the prevalence of dropout events, which lead to zero-inflated data. Here, we develop a dimensionality-reduction method, (Z)ero (I)nflated (F)actor (A)nalysis (ZIFA), which explicitly models the dropout characteristics, and show that it improves modeling accuracy on simulated and biological data sets.

Original publication





Genome biology

Publication Date





Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 1 South Parks Road, OX1 3TG, Oxford, UK.


Models, Statistical, Gene Expression Profiling, Sequence Analysis, RNA, Principal Component Analysis, Software, Single-Cell Analysis