Association between hormonal genetic polymorphisms and early-onset prostate cancer.
Forrest MS., Edwards SM., Houlston R., Kote-Jarai Z., Key T., Allen N., Knowles MA., Turner F., Ardern-Jones A., Murkin A., Williams S., Oram R., Bishop DT., Eeles RA., CR-UK/BPG UK prostate cancer study collaborators None.
We investigated the association between seven polymorphisms in four candidate genes involved in vitamin D and androgen metabolism with early-onset prostate cancer (CaP) risk. The polymorphisms were genotyped in 288 UK males who were diagnosed with CaP at the age of 55 y or younger and up to 700 population-based controls. An additional 50 cases (not selected for age) and 76 controls were also genotyped. Short (< or =22 repeats) AR (CAG)(n) repeats were associated with a significantly reduced risk of early onset CaP (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.50-0.91) compared with men with long (> 22) repeats. Men homozygous for the leucine variant of SRD5A2 p.89V > L were also found to be at a significantly increased risk of CaP compared with men who were homozygous for the valine allele (OR 1.84, 95% CI 1.15-2.98). No associations were found with the AR (GGC)(n), CYP17 Msp A1 I, VDR Taq I, SRD5A2 (TA)(n) and p.49A >T polymorphisms and CaP risk. These findings suggest that common polymorphisms in the AR and SRD5A2 genes may be associated with early-onset CaP in British men.