Patients' and practice nurses' perceptions of secondary preventive care for established ischaemic heart disease: a qualitative study.
Wright FL., Wiles RA., Moher M., ASSIST Ttrial Collaborative Group. Assessment of Implementation Strategies None.
A significant proportion of patients with established ischaemic heart disease remain unrecognized in general practice and those who are receiving treatment are experiencing sub-optimal care. The provision of coronary prevention by practice nurses may be an important strategy to improve the quality of this care, and this is feasible and effective. This study explored what occurred during patients' initial assessment for secondary prevention of ischaemic heart disease with a practice nurse and investigated patients' and practice nurses' views ofnurse-led clinics in primary care. Nurses were effective in history taking and offering reassurance and dietary advice, yet were less confident in discussing patients' understandings of heart disease and related medication. Practice nurse-led coronary preventive care is acceptable to both nurses and patients. Further practice nurse education is required in heart disease, cardiac medications and skills necessary for exploring and challenging patients' understandings of these issues.