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© 2020 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. In 2019 we published Exploring the impact of analysis software on task fMRI results in Human Brain Mapping (, showing how the choice of software package used for analysing task fMRI data can influence the final results of a study. We reanalysed data from three published task fMRI studies: Schonberg et al., 2012 (also referred to as “ds000001” in the article); Moran et al., 2012 (“ds000109”); Padmanabhan et al., 2011 (“ds000120”). For each study we reproduced the main group-level effect from each publication using each of the three main fMRI software packages: AFNI, FSL, and SPM. We then applied a variety of quantitative and qualitative comparison methods to assess the similarity of the statistical maps between the three software packages. From further work we are currently carrying out on this topic, we have recently become aware that five out of the 14 analysis results used in the article contained errors.

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Human Brain Mapping

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