Timothy Pollington
Postdoctoral Researcher - Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
I'm working with Professor Déirdre Hollingsworth and the Neglected Tropical Disease Modelling Consortium. My main disease of focus is visceral leishmaniasis (VL), a sandfly-transmitted parasitic disease that can be fatal if not treated. I am currently completing my PhD studies at the University of Warwick under Lloyd Chapman, Mike Tildesley & Déirdre Hollingsworth.
My current projects include: simulating outbreaks of VL at the village level; deconvolution of observed time series; an interrupted time series analysis of VL at the district level; developing a rate estimator for the tau statistic - a spatiotemporal clustering statistic for infectious diseases.
Recent publications
Kumar V. et al, (2022), Epidemics: the journal of infectious disease dynamics, 39
Davis EL. et al, (2021), Nature Communications, 12
Crellen T. et al, (2021), Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 376
Clark J. et al, (2021), Gates open research, 5
Lucas TCD. et al, (2020), Epidemics, 33