Robert Esnouf
Director of Research Computing
Robert Esnouf leads the research computing teams at the Big Data Institute and the neighbouring Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics as they build a unified high-performance computing infrastructure capable of addressing the largest challenges in biomedical research. The aim is to deliver a large-scale, cost-effective, researcher-funded platform that drives collaboration between our researchers and also supports working with others across Oxford and further afield. The current cluster has over 6,000 compute cores backed by over 12PB of storage and developments include private cloud and long-term secure archiving solutions.
Recent publications
Kotecha A. et al, (2015), Nature structural & molecular biology, 22, 788 - 794
Borley DW. et al, (2013), PloS one, 8
Ramraj V. et al, (2012), Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography, 68, 1697 - 1700
Savitsky M. et al, (2011), Journal of Structural Biology, 175, 224 - 229
Savitsky M. et al, (2011), Journal of structural biology, 175, 224 - 229