Jennifer Collister
MMath, MSc
Statistical Programmer and DPhil Student
Jennifer joined the Translational Epidemiology Unit (TEU) at Oxford Population Health in September 2019, where she is using UK Biobank data to investigate the performance of polygenic risk scores for common diseases.
Since 2021, Jennifer has been studying for a part-time DPhil in Population Health under the supervision of Professor David Hunter and Professor Gillian Reeves.
Jennifer has a longstanding interest in the applications of maths and statistics to medicine; throughout her 4-year MMath she spent holidays doing temp work for MBRRACE-UK in the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU).
She has an MSc in Medical Statistics from the University of Leicester with a 3-month project on the use of flexible parametric models in multistate modelling, and an MMath from Durham University, where her final project was on interacting particle systems and their use in modelling the spread of epidemics.
Recent publications
Collister JA. et al, (2024), Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 33, 812 - 820
Liu X. et al, (2024), Diabetes & metabolic syndrome, 18
Clifton L. et al, (2024), European journal of epidemiology, 39, 219 - 229
Parsons RE. et al, (2023), Heart (British Cardiac Society), 109, 1690 - 1697
Qureshi D. et al, (2023), Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association